I'm getting some strange textures on HalfLife, Opposing Force, and Blue Shift: Sample screen shots are here:
http://sktc.net/~wowbagger/ba_hazard10000.png http://sktc.net/~wowbagger/ba_hazard10001.png
Specifically, any static texture is screwed up. Dynamic textures, like water or "people" are OK.
Native GL apps, like Q3A, RTCW and UT are fine, which would tend to exonerate the local GL.
This is running the CVS of Wine, updated a few hours ago (call it noon US Central Daylight time 19 Oct 2002 (UTC-5)), and the main branch of the DRI CVS, on a dual P3-1GHz machine.
I have tried coming up in single processor mode with no change in rendering.
Any pointers?