- I tried to think positively about it and expected the winetest-1.1.33.exe to install Gecko and perform the mshtml tests when online. Curiously they were skipped. I have yet to find out why.
Did you read the page from the link that is on the dialog informing about missing Gecko?
What part from wiki/Gecko did you have in mind? Regarding the above, I see the following explanation: http://wiki.winehq.org/Gecko
Wine 1.1.33 and later will download Gecko when a prefix is created.
Aha -- I did not run winetest creating a prefix at the same time. I created the prefix earlier, running winecfg. So that's why winetest did not download Gecko and why I saw no dialog box at winetest time.
I can see three types of Wine users:
I don't find myself in the description you gave.
I've a feeling that I'm misunderstood. I have nothing against Gecko. I simply tend to test apps in a minimal configuration environment. Optional packages like Gecko are not part of that environment, and I always saw a risk that a nMB third-party Gecko package introduces its own bugs when I want to find out about the ones in Wine (or the app).
None but three of the many apps that I've tested depended on HTML/Gecko. That is my experience. Sometimes, when I thought Gecko should be needed (to view advanced .hlp or .chm files), I tested with Gecko -- or so I thought -- but it didn't help rendering the .hlp pages (witness bug #17682).
allow us to forget about the problem soon
What actually is *the* problem?
It seems to me like "Gecko is not compulsory" is the problem in your eyes, isn't it? This is not my experience. To me, Gecko appears strictly optional, and rarely needed (for the kind of apps that I'm running). I've no problem with the Wine team now declaring Gecko as compulsory, and would then start to use it. But the wiki/Gecko page right now does not say that it is so.
My problem, namely rm -rf ~/.wine; wine /c cmd or wine xyz hanging in a dialog box or believing that it is allowed to access the network, then of course would go away (at the cost of a larger .wine tree).
Regards, Jörg Höhle.