On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 08:02:08PM +0200, Ing. Simone. Giustetti wrote:
How about 64 bit packages with Wow64 ? This feature is described as a major one for Wine release 1.2, but as far as I know no x86_64 package was released yet. I've been using it since release 1.1.44 for testing purposes and it seems pretty stable. If there are no objections, I'll upload i486 and x86_64 packages and announce it in Slackaware related communities asking for reviews / regressions.
openSUSE Factory which will become openSUSE 11.3 contains this setup already.
While 11.3 is in betatesting, which might mean less bugreports, I have not heard of any yet.
Ciao, Marcus