on the end of this mail is a patch, that removes an assert(0) from the surface code in ddraw. but removing it let Ankh[1][2] start (it started before, but there where no loading screen visible). yet there are other problems with this game - but it now actually works better than before.
so let the ddraw developers decide what to do there - this mail is just a reminder, that there is a poor little homeless assert, that needs your attention ;)
Well, that assert is a sort of debugging assertion to be sure to catch apps which call this function. It wasn't meant to go into the winehq tree, I missed it when doing my cleanup checks :-(
Anyway, that call is pretty much untested, I don't expect it to work as-is(especially if the app sets a surface memory pointer).
You can send the patch to remove that assert to wine-patches, it's clearly wrong. I'm just downloading the demo to test it myself, but I'm quite busy at university right now :-(