Personally, I would like to see Transgaming release all the code that they have that is not copy-protection and is not directx under a true open-source licence. In particular, any enhancements (whatever they may be) to OLE and COM.
I think that Transgaming, WineHQ, Codeweavers and ReactOS should work together to produce one definitive clone of Microsofts OLE and COM libraries incorperating all the reverse engineering, code hacking and so on necessary to clone these key windows components. ReactOS benifits in that they get the OLE support needed to make lots of modern stuff run. WINE benifits in that people wont need to install dcom98 anymore to get usable OLE libraries (which is probobly illegal under the dcom98 licence anyhow). And Codeweavers and Transgaming benifit in that the apps/games they support all use OLE and COM.