Thanks for a prompt answer! I am going to test the cabling scheme and will send some info by the end of next week. Are you aware how windows implements hw flow control? I read in the wine-devel history a comment that stated that windows might not imlpement hw flow control at all. This intrigues me because the printer does work on windows.
At 16:43 24/7/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Hi Miguel,
You are correct; the Linux kernel does not support DTR/DSR flow control. If a windows program requests DTR/DSR flow control in wine, we just write a FIXME to stderr and ignore the setting.
Your idea to build a cable that wires the printer's DTR/DSR to the computer's RTS/CTS may work, but you may also need some small hacks in wine to select RTS/CTS flow control when the program asks for DTR/DSR flow control. That won't garantuee that your program works, but it will at least be a little better...
I guess the other option is to implement DTR/DSR flow control in the Linux kernel... but that may not be easy :)