It says that wine is compiled with the:
./configure CFLAGS=-fno-stack-protector
So the bug shud not apply, also i have been installing binaries for other distribution (debian binaries) also from winehq own ubuntu rep.
I think the problem is deeper in wine.
sön 2006-10-29 klockan 13:09 -0800 skrev Thomas Kho:
On 10/29/06, Jimmy W wrote:
I got a simple problem, that got really hard to fix.
I am trying to cross-compile stuff over a Makefile with ms compiler.
Problem is that when make are executing wine as a command, wine segfaults.
An example:
# wine --version Works!
test: wine --version
Then run: #make test
Wine will segfault!
Your problem might be that the Edgy gcc has stack-protector on. I ran across a segfault when building on my newly upgraded Edgy Eft machine this morning. See 'Edgy Eft Notes' at for info and a link to an Ubuntu bug discussion.