Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
"Nikolay Sivov" wrote:
CreateFontIndirectExA (GDI32.@)
- */
+HFONT WINAPI CreateFontIndirectExA( const ENUMLOGFONTEXDVA *plf ) +{
- if(!plf) return NULL;
- return CreateFontIndirectA(&(plf->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont));
CreateFontIndirectExW (GDI32.@)
- */
+HFONT WINAPI CreateFontIndirectExW( const ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW *plf ) +{
- if(!plf) return NULL;
- return CreateFontIndirectW(&(plf->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont));
You neither removed the 'if(!plf)' check, nor added a test or an explanation for this.
Here I don't follow you. If I want to access elfEnumLogfontEx field through pointer, so should I check this pointer first? I thought it's obvious or maybe there're different things we are talking about? Could you explain please..
- if(!pCreateFontIndirectExA)
skip("CreateFontIndirectExA not implemeted on this
- else
- {
memcpy(&lfex.elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont, &lf, sizeof(lf));
hfont = create_font_ex("Arial", &lfex);
- }
Presumably CreateFontIndirectEx uses the whole ENUMLOGFONTEXDVA structure, not just LOGFONT, so you need to fully initialize it.
Also please remove trailing line spaces.
Here I'm fully agreed. Full initialization should be made, I thought only about LOGFONT part..