add documentation for exported functions of the win32 hypertrm library... BOOL InitInstance(const HINSTANCE hInstance, const LPTSTR lpCmdLine, const int nCmdShow)/* creates the hypertrm session window. args: hInstance - apps instance handle. lpCmdLine - command line. nCmdShow - passed from winmain overhead function arglist. */ int MessageLoop(void) /* window message loop. return a wparam int value, that contains the additional information of the processed message. */ SF_HANDLE sessQuerySysFileHdl(const HSESSION hSession) /* returns the sysfile handle based on hypertrm session. args: hSession -> hypertrm session. */ HTRANSLATE sessQueryTranslateHdl(const HSESSION hSession) /* returns the translate handle associated with specific hypertrm session. translate handle is used for manager character translation. args: hSession -> hypertrm session. */ int sfGetSessionItem(const SF_HANDLE hSF, const UINT uID, unsigned long *pIDSize, void *pvData) /* is used to get data and item size from the session file handle. args: hSF -> session file handle. uID -> item id. [out] pIDSize -> size returned. [out] pvData -> a pointer to an buffer that receives the data. */ int sfPutSessionItem(const SF_HANDLE hSF, const unsigned int uID, const unsigned long uIDSize, const void *pvData) /* is used to add or modify an entry in the session file data associated with the current session file handle. args: hSF -> session file handle. uID -> item id. pIDSize -> size. pvData -> a pointer to an buffer of data. */ _________________________________________________________________ Cansado de espaço para só 50 fotos? Conheça o Spaces, o site de relacionamentos com até 6,000 fotos!