Word on the street is that we need an implementation of the DirectDraw clipper, but I have no idea if that's correct or if so, how much of it we need.
Last time I checked, it was not clipper related at all. It's basically (from what I remember - I could be wrong) QuickTime that displays on the desktop window using DirectX (just at the start, after it uses clipper and windows).
This means that if we want to make this work, we need first to lock the X server then take a screenshot of the root window then put it in the buffer to give back to QT to draw on it and then re-copy this in what is currently the black window and finally unlock the X server... In other means a bad hack :-)
In my opinion, the cleanest would just to not support at all 'window-less' DirectX as the only one using it is QT and it uses it badly :-)