Am 03.02.2010 um 18:52 schrieb Rico Schüller:
this patch adds a test case for d3d10 shader parsing and ID3D10EffectPass::Get*ShaderDesc() functions. +static DWORD fx_local_shader[] = { +0x43425844, 0x95577e13, 0xab5facae, 0xd06d9eab, +0x8b127be0, 0x00000001, 0x00001652, 0x00000001, ...
the binary shader is pretty long. Wouldn't it be better to load the bytes from an external file, or if that makes the tests too complicated, put the DWORD[] into a separate .c or .h file?
- hr = D3D10CreateEffectFromMemory(fx_local_shader, fx_local_shader[6], 0, device, NULL, &effect);
Is there a reason for using fx_local_shader[6] instead of sizeof(fx_local_shader)? I see that the other tests do it as well.