On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 8:16 AM, Francois Gouget fgouget@free.fr wrote:
That said I really don't care much because the Wine project would not know what to do with the money anyway. It's not that sponsoring developers to go to the Wine conference is not good but it does not scale.
So if we raised 10000$ in a year, how would we use them to move Wine forward?
Hire contractors to work on specific issues? What contractors? Get a part-time Wine developper to work full-time on Wine for a while? What would he do after the money runs out?
Hardware purchases? What kind and for what? Maybe for the patchwatcher? Maybe hire someone to administrate the patchwatcher machines part-time?
Marketing? Where? How? Would it really be beneficial? Wouldn't 10000$ be too little?
Well, maybe someone will have a bright idea?
Getting the money is usually the hard part. Once there is money, usually ideas start flowing much easier ;-).
That said, the favorite idea I've heard was sponsoring our own summer (winter/whenever) of code's. Patchwatcher also seems like a good idea, if someone is available/interested. Extending Appinstall more may also be good <g>...