"Vijay Kiran Kamuju" infyquest@gmail.com wrote:
- retval = *daypos + (7 * *weekpos) - firstDay;
- retval = *daypos + ((7 * *weekpos) - firstDay); return retval;
This change doesn't make any difference, neither in functionality, nor in readability IMO. Please avoid this kind of changes, it only clutters the patch, making it hard to see what is the real change.
- lpht->st.wDay = MONTHCAL_MonthLength(lpht->st.wMonth,lpht->st.wYear) -day;
- lpht->st.wDay = day+MONTHCAL_MonthLength(lpht->st.wMonth,lpht->st.wYear) ;
A couple of spaces around '+' won't hurt, and a space before ';' doesn't match an existing code style.
- return TRUE;
- /*return TRUE;*/
If you are not sure that the return should be removed, it's a sign that you need a test case, just commenting it out without any explanation is not a solution. Same comment to all other similar cases.
- MONTHCAL_CopyTime(&infoPtr->minSel,&nmsc.stSelStart);
- MONTHCAL_CopyTime(&infoPtr->maxSel,&nmsc.stSelEnd); nmsc.nmhdr.hwndFrom = infoPtr->hwndSelf; nmsc.nmhdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongPtrW(infoPtr->hwndSelf, GWLP_ID); nmsc.nmhdr.code = MCN_SELCHANGE;
- MONTHCAL_CopyTime(&infoPtr->minSel,&nmsc.stSelStart);
- MONTHCAL_CopyTime(&infoPtr->maxSel,&nmsc.stSelEnd);
This change is not needed.