2009/6/7 Michael Martin martinmnet@hotmail.com:
You'll need to include the patch as an attachment (renamed as a text file if your mail client messes up the encoding), instead of including it in the body text (the indentation in the patch you included has been removed by your mail client).
- BOOL selectedMenuItem;
- selectedMenuItem = TrackPopupMenu(popup, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON |
TMPRETURNCMD, x, y, 0, es->hwndSelf, NULL);
- switch (selectedMenuItem) {
Despite TrackPopupMenu having a BOOL return type, using an int would make it more readable (selectedMenuItem is not being used as a boolean value, but as a command index). Alternatively, just use:
switch (TrackPopupMenu(...)) {
TMPRETURNCMD -- This should be TMP_RETURNCMD. Is this an error when adding the patch to the email?
Thanks for contributing to Wine, - Reece