[crosspost to both wine lists]
I am preparing a patch for DirectDraw::SetCooperativeLevel and friends:
Some questions from a newbie, so please bear with me:
ddraw/user.c has comments like these:
/* GetDisplayMode: generic */ /* GetFourCCCodes: generic */ /* GetGDISurface: ??? */ /* GetMonitorFrequency: generic */ /* GetScanLine: generic */ /* GetSurfaceFromDC: generic */ /* GetVerticalBlankStatus: generic */ /* Initialize: generic */ /* RestoreAllSurfaces: generic */ /* RestoreDisplayMode: generic */ /* SetCooperativeLevel: ??? */
* What does the "generic" stand for? Return value? Function class? * It seems that SetCooperativeLevel associates a "value" (or more than one) with the givenwindow handle and TestCooperativeLevel let's you later check this status. Where would I store such a "global" value? * If I understand it correctly, the directx stuff is done by transgaming. Their licence differs from the "normal" wine. (I am really unsure how all these things play together even after readin codeweavers.com, winehq.com and transgaming.com). So, if I send in a patch for that, should I send it to wine-devel-patches? wine-devel? winex-devel? Under what license would it fall? Or does that not matter? I have no idea what hidden snatches are in the transmeta licence, so I would like to use the LGPL. ;) Is there a problem with that for the transmeta guys or for you wine guys? Or would it fall automatically under the transmeta licence, since I am patching their source anyway? (You can tell I am confused ;) * Also, since I am a bit CVS challanged (newbie, I told you ;), is it okay to add my files directly in the CVS source tree with vi(m) and then send you a diff -u patch? Or do I need some CVS magic to do locally? Or just keep the file outside the CVS and then send a patch?
Thanx in advance,
Te"Wine, I am coooominng!"ls
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