On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Paul van Schayck wrote:
This is my first attemp to do something for winehq. So, are you interested in descriptions for screenshots?
Thank you for your contribution. I think having a description for each image is a really good idea. However, I don't think I like having all descriptions lumped together in one file. What about this: for a image named wine_xx.png, we can create a file called wine_xx.txt in say images/shots/ (or in images/shots/description/). Jer?
BTW: I don't much care for the current scheme of having the images split in different directories. All related files should sit together. Maybe we should have things named: wine_xx-thumb.png, wine_xx-full.png, wine_xx-desc.txt. Anyway, this is not important now, but I thought I'd mention it. This way related files will list together when you do a 'ls', it's more intuitive, and you don't have to read the README to figure things out (ant by the way, I found out about the full/ dir by mistake, when I looked in the README just for kicks :)).