OK thanks for the info , if no-one else posts any warning or conflicting info I guess it should be ok.
I may just rebuild with 3.3.6 just to see but having different compiler versions mixed is not a good idea
Thanks again
On Sun, 25 Sep 2005 07:30:49 +0200, Jesse Allen the3dfxdude@gmail.com wrote:
On 9/24/05, wino@piments.com wino@piments.com wrote:
I've been a bit slow to think if this but I do keep this system fairly upto date, although not madly so.
I am currently running gcc- and glibc-
Is there any recommended cutoff versions for these work with wine-cvs or recent wine?
According to my slackware system: glibc-2.3.5-i486-5 gcc-3.3.6-i486-1
Wine CVS works fine for me. Despite the problems with GCC 4.0 -- which will be fixed surely -- I don't believe there are any cutoffs. Any modern enough setup should work.