On Mon, 25 Jan 2016 18:38:48 +0800, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
Hugh McMaster wrote:
dlls/user32/combo.c | 2 ++ dlls/user32/tests/combo.c | 4 ++-- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dlls/user32/combo.c b/dlls/user32/combo.c index c744ee5..4c57b72 100644 --- a/dlls/user32/combo.c +++ b/dlls/user32/combo.c @@ -1189,6 +1189,8 @@ static void COMBO_KillFocus( LPHEADCOMBO lphc ) { if( CB_GETTYPE(lphc) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST ) SendMessageW(lphc->hWndLBox, LB_CARETOFF, 0, 0);
SendMessageW(lphc->hWndEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, 0);
The message test doesn't confirm that this is a correct solution.
I tested the sequence from WM_KILLFOCUS twice in dlls/user32/tests/msg.c.
static const struct message SetFocusButtonSeq[] = { { WM_KILLFOCUS, sent }, { CB_GETCOMBOBOXINFO, sent|optional },/* Windows 2000 */ { 0x0167, sent|optional },/* Undocumented message. Sent on all versions except Windows 2000 */ { WM_LBUTTONUP, sent|defwinproc }, { WM_COMMAND, sent|parent|wparam, MAKEWPARAM(ID_COMBOBOX, CBN_SELENDCANCEL) }, { EM_SETSEL, sent|defwinproc|wparam|lparam, 0, 0 }, { WM_CTLCOLOREDIT, sent|defwinproc|optional },/* Not sent on W2000, XP or Server 2003 */ { WM_CTLCOLOREDIT, sent|parent|optional },/* Not sent on W2000, XP or Server 2003 */ { WM_COMMAND, sent|parent|wparam, MAKEWPARAM(ID_COMBOBOX, CBN_KILLFOCUS) }, { WM_CTLCOLORBTN, sent|parent }, { 0 } };
static const struct message SetFocusButtonSeq2[] = { { WM_KILLFOCUS, sent }, { CB_GETCOMBOBOXINFO, sent|optional },/* Windows 2000 */ { 0x0167, sent|optional },/* Undocumented message. Sent on all versions except Windows 2000 */ { WM_LBUTTONUP, sent|defwinproc }, { WM_COMMAND, sent|parent|wparam, MAKEWPARAM(ID_COMBOBOX, CBN_SELENDCANCEL) }, { EM_SETSEL, sent|defwinproc|wparam|lparam, 0, 0 }, { WM_CTLCOLOREDIT, sent|defwinproc }, { WM_CTLCOLOREDIT, sent|parent }, { WM_COMMAND, sent|parent|wparam, MAKEWPARAM(ID_COMBOBOX, CBN_KILLFOCUS) }, { WM_CTLCOLORBTN, sent|parent }, { 0 } };
In both sequences, the expected value of EM_SETSEL is 0, 0.
Perhaps I'm not understanding what you mean in this case.
-- Hugh McMaster