Mike Bond wrote:
This getes me back to the other part of the question, is anyone currently working on this? I know people at CodeWeavers supposedly were working on getting the various mutations of InstallShield working, this error seems to be pretty common across all InstallSheild v6 based installers I've seen. I had also heard there was progress getting Alice install working at TransGaming, is that InstallSheild v6 based?
The fix we put into the TransGaming tree was from Andreas Mohr, and it fixed some problems related to previous versions of InstallSheild. We haven't made any progress on v6.
We'd certainly like to see it get done, but our resources are somewhat limited at the moment, and we're concentrating on the DirectX work.
Something that's interesting about the InstallShield objects is this: They seem to expose a fair amount of their interfaces through OLE Automation. I don't know for certain, but I have a recollection that some work was done to support Automation for WordPerfect. I can't remember whether that work was actually completed, or bypassed through the use of dde for scripting instead.
If automation does work, then perhaps it's enough to simply run the InstallShield ikernel.exe and see if the user-side of the installer works through automation rather than requiring marshalling.