I realize that that may be an odd question, but I also don't want spend an huge amount of time trying to get something to work that just won't work "at this time" ...
I've been asked to get a Windows application running under FreeBSD ... optimally, I'd prefer to do it under Wine, since the last thing I want is a) to buy a Windows License and b) to run Windows when all I need is this one application ...
First and foremost, I'm most impressed with how far Wine has come ... I remember back when you needed the Windows OS to do anything ... with current Wine, I was able to run the Setup / Installer for this application, it built my .wine directory, installed everything beautifully ...
.. the problem arises when I try and run the app after install ... and the odd thing is that it doesn't appear to actually do anything, it just hangs there, no errors to the screen.
I pop'd into IRC and asked about debugging there, and was pointed to the WINEDEBUG=+all setting, which I've since and re-tried to run, without output redirected to a log file ... it very quickly gets to 65M in size and 900k lines ... most of which looks to be looping around the same dozen lines:
0009:trace:seh:call_stack_handlers calling handler at 0x55779e code=c0000005 flags=0 0009:Call msvcrt._except_handler3(0035f8e4,0035fab0,0035f618,0035f54c) ret=9c1a70fd 0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c0000005 flags=0 at 0x0 handler=0x55779e 0x35f618 0x35f54c semi-stub 0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 filter = 0x557756 0009:Call msvcrt._XcptFilter(c0000005,0035f400) ret=00557767 0009:trace:seh:_XcptFilter (c0000005,0x35f400) 0009:Ret msvcrt._XcptFilter() retval=00000000 ret=00557767 0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 filter returned CONTINUE_SEARCH 0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 reached TRYLEVEL_END, returning ExceptionContinueSearch 0009:Ret msvcrt._except_handler3() retval=00000001 ret=9c1a70fd 0009:trace:seh:call_stack_handlers handler at 0x55779e returned 1
Using grep -n, it looks like starting around like 43k in the log is where this happens, and continues ad finitum:
43048:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c0000005 flags=0 at 0x0 handler=0x55779e 0x35f618 0x35f54c semi-stub 43059:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c0000005 flags=0 at 0x0 handler=0x55779e 0x35f618 0x35f54c semi-stub 43070:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c0000005 flags=0 at 0x0 handler=0x55779e 0x35f618 0x35f54c semi-stub 43081:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c0000005 flags=0 at 0x0 handler=0x55779e 0x35f618 0x35f54c semi-stub 43092:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c0000005 flags=0 at 0x0 handler=0x55779e 0x35f618 0x35f54c semi-stub 43103:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c0000005 flags=0 at 0x0 handler=0x55779e 0x35f618 0x35f54c semi-stub <alot of lines deleted> 917026:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c000013a flags=0 at 0x9c0605d7 handler=0x55779e 0x35f128 0x35f06c semi-stub 917037:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c000013a flags=0 at 0x9c0605d7 handler=0x55779e 0x35f128 0x35f06c semi-stub 917048:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c000013a flags=0 at 0x9c0605d7 handler=0x55779e 0x35f128 0x35f06c semi-stub 917059:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c000013a flags=0 at 0x9c0605d7 handler=0x55779e 0x35f128 0x35f06c semi-stub 917070:0009:trace:seh:_except_handler3 exception c000013a flags=0 at 0x9c0605d7 handler=0x55779e 0x35f128 0x35f06c semi-stub
Looking at the log just before that loop started (not sure how many lines before is significant), there is:
0009:Call msvcrt._initterm(00575000,0057508c) ret=005576e2 0009:trace:msvcrt:_initterm (0x575000,0x57508c) 0009:trace:msvcrt:_initterm Call init function 0x5578f4 0009:trace:seh:raise_exception code=c0000005 flags=0 addr=0x0 0009:trace:seh:raise_exception info[0]=00000000 0009:trace:seh:raise_exception info[1]=00000000 0009:trace:seh:raise_exception eax=005578f4 ebx=9ca6b678 ecx=00000000 edx=00000038 esi=00575004 edi=0057508c 0009:trace:seh:raise_exception ebp=0035f968 esp=0035f93c cs=0033 ds=003b es=003b fs=1007 gs=001b flags=00010206
The fun part is that I don't know what is important, and what isn't ... if someone would like to see the complete log before the semi-stub errors start to loop, please feel free to ask ... the software I'm trying to run is available as a free download, if someone wishes to actually try the software ...
Compared to the graphical games that ppl show listed on AppDB, I would have thought this one would have been simple ... :)
How best to proceed?
Thank you ...
- ---- Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org) Email . scrappy@hub.org MSN . scrappy@hub.org Yahoo . yscrappy Skype: hub.org ICQ . 7615664