"Nikolay Sivov" bunglehead@gmail.com wrote:
CreateFontIndirectExA (GDI32.@)
- */
+HFONT WINAPI CreateFontIndirectExA( const ENUMLOGFONTEXDVA *plf ) +{
- if(!plf) return NULL;
- return CreateFontIndirectA(&(plf->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont));
CreateFontIndirectExW (GDI32.@)
- */
+HFONT WINAPI CreateFontIndirectExW( const ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW *plf ) +{
- if(!plf) return NULL;
- return CreateFontIndirectW(&(plf->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont));
You neither removed the 'if(!plf)' check, nor added a test or an explanation for this.
- if(!pCreateFontIndirectExA)
skip("CreateFontIndirectExA not implemeted on this platform\n");
- else
- {
memcpy(&lfex.elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont, &lf, sizeof(lf));
hfont = create_font_ex("Arial", &lfex);
- }
Presumably CreateFontIndirectEx uses the whole ENUMLOGFONTEXDVA structure, not just LOGFONT, so you need to fully initialize it.
Also please remove trailing line spaces.