So the problem lies elsewhere... do you have any more information on the debug output?
hiya reece, thanks for responding. yes, i do - lemme get back to you with it: i'm in the middle of a ... actually, i _do_ have it:
it's a trace+all so is about 15mb (sorry!)
i'm doing a rebuild back to msvcrt to see if the problem goes away.
and, once that's uploaded, i'll also do one:
but give me a few mins to do that one, it'll be there in a bit.
here's the python application that did that:
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(["cmd", "/k" "echo", "hello"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate() print repr(stdout) print repr(stderr)
nice and short, isn't it? :)
the code that goes with that - in the python subprocess module - is a bit of a lairy hairy bundle of fun.
anyway, as you can see, open_osfhandle and CreateProcess all go swimmingly well - it's just that when you get msvcr80 involved it all goes pearshaped.