Hi, I am using Word 2000 SR-1 on a fake windows install of wine 20020904. It runs fine except for one problem. When I exit the program, it tries to save the Normal.dot file to C:\windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dot and fails, with this error: The disk is full or too many files are open. (C:\windows...\Templates\Normal.dot)
If I click on Ok, and then try to save the template to a different location, even on a different partition, it gives the same error. I see this error in my xterm: err:shell:SHGetFileInfoA pidl is null! Is this related? I found bug number 956 that talks about this. Is this where I should start? It would seem to me that this would be a bug that Codeweavers had already dealt with, so do any of you guys know where to point me? Thanks.
Mason Kidd