Hi Folks,
So I had plan to report on the status of make test, and sound a call to action.
That is, one of the best and most fun things we did at Wineconf was to call bullshit on the failure of make test to work reliably. That is, it only runs cleanly on Alexandre's machine, and not even all the time then.
So, we worked hard to make 'make test' work reliably on other folks systems at Wineconf. We made a lot of progress; cutting failures by half, I would say. The closest we got was with Michael; I think he was down to 3 at the end. However, we're still plagued with differences due to chipsets, locales, and other differences.
But I think it is vital that we continue this work. The fact that 'make test' doesn't work anywhere, really, is bullshit.
However, I'm enough of a weasel that I wanted to get out of collating all of this data myself.
So I investigated (or tried to investigate) winetest to see if I could dump this work on a tool. And it looks like it would be great. Of course, with a few caveats :-/.
In my opinion, it needs the following:
1. A Wiki page!
I could not find *any* documentation on this utility.
For example, I'm still not entirely clear on how to setup and/or register my build.id so that my results are available on the web site. (And the rather non intuitive requirement to 'know' the unpublished url http://test.winehq.org/data/ is harsh).
2. Headless operation
From my experiments, there were a number of dialogs I had to dismiss, and some worrying complaints in unpacking msvcrtd and msvcrt tests.
This second point is probably a bit less important than the first.
However, it looked like if just a few little glitches could be ironed out, that it would be a fantastic tool for working on the make test problem. We'd be able to see the common failures, and work to resolve them and drive them to zero.
Is there someone that could do the first part of this? Just document what is already there? Or point me to the page that exists that I just missed?