Jacek Caban wrote:
Fixing MSHTML tests I found a bug in Windows. In tests I passed const WNDCLASSEX, to RegisterClassEx what should work as its declaration is:
ATOM WINAPI RegisterClassExW(const WNDCLASSEXW *);
Changing passed WNDCLASS to nonconst makes it works. I wrote small tests (attached) showing that if hInstance of WNDCLASSEX is NULL, RegisterClassEx sets it to GetModuleHandle(NULL). It, of course, couses segmentation fault in case CMASSWNDEX is const. This problem seams to happen on XP, NT 4, 2k and 2k3. So the question is if we should clone this bug? Some applications may expect it, but other may crash. They will crash on Windows anyway... Or we should mark test as todo_wine and change it if we found application that depend on it?
Thanks, Jacek
Maybe it's just me, but I thought this is well-known "feature" of the API. It's implemented in ReactOS for quite some time. *g*
- Filip