I have a Borland C++ Application (with full source code) that I am trying to get to run under Wine 20050830. (I plan on switching to CVS builds once I see some progress)
I keep getting "segmentation fault" when running the app. I found info on WINEDEBUG and am currently running it set to +relay This results in 300+ Megabyte debug file. (Ran system out of memory trying to loot at it with Konq) I have then been using "tail" to grab just the last few thousand lines of it... It always ends with hundreds/thousands of calls to ntdll.RtlEnterCriticalSection and ntdll.RtsLeaveCriticalSection followed by err:seh:setup_exception stack overflow ### bytes in thread #### eip ###### esp ###### stack 0x##### - 0x####
I am planning on using the HKLM\Software\Wine\Wine existence to let the app know it is running on wine...
The app itself also has a "debug mode" that logs events to a file while running - is there a way to send these messages to the same log as WINEDEBUG? That way I would be able to see what method or function of the app resulted in the thousands of calls into the WIN32 API...
I am trying to figure out how to: A> Turn the above errors into useful bug reports B> Be able to resolve limitations or errors in wine as I came across them...
I do NOT speak for the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers. I am a contractor supporting one of their projects... The recent developments in Mass re Open Formats motivated me to try to get this app working under wine so that running Windows (only platform currently supported by this software) would not be a requirement in order to work on large USACE contracts...
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