Why should there be multiple support forums?
Well, not forums, but as I said different lists for different kinds of applications(games/business/graphics), since they should(?) have related problems. I would think so, anyway.
The wiki has _a lot_ of info, most of the time when bugs are closed invalid, wiki links are given to fix the problem. Again, wine _is_ an open source project. If the wiki isn't good enough, add something.
I am talking about avoiding a bug being submitted at all. Maybe to organize how-to-run information. Sure I could do a bit of that. It's like the idea you had about getting funding, did they tell you to go do it all by yourself?
How do you mean their priorities are important? It's an uncomfortable truth, but users priorities aren't important, like has been said dozens of times. Sure, we care about user's bugs, and want to fix them.
... Users priorities probably affect what severity level they choose. But as I said to Ken, I can't believe that all users are morons. Anyway, regardless of their motives, I still think that they have to be included. If not, the project will slowly drift away and turn into a toy nobody have any use for.
But every user also thinks *their* app is the most important application to fix.
Actually, I can't believe they all are that way. When I first posted a bug here on bugzilla some time ago, one of the first thing I got was you telling me that "there are other applications just as important as yours". The reason in my case was that I completely misunderstood the severity instructions (I had the flu so I was a bit hazy) and mixed it up with the priority instructions. I got going on your comment that Photoshop was not more critical than any other application, which I a far cry from getting pissed of about something with really few users.
Wine can't stop development on _everything_ just to get one user's application running. Making user's arbitrary priorities the most important would be doing this.
Good thing I didn't propose that then. :-) I said it should be a part of the priority and a considerable one. Not the largest one. And I am not talking about users arbitrary priorities, just including more intuitive severity levels(good or bad) when making bug fixing priorities.