On 26 nov. 06, at 03:36, Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
And of course, if any alterations has been made, state so in the distro specific readme file.
I think that to have a better view of those alterations the packaging utilities (package spec files and other supporting tools) should be opensource-ed. It would be great to have a repository which contains everything needed to build the official Wine packages for each distribution.
That would allow have a better transparency on how the maintainers make their packages. Also it means probably a better level of flexibility given that any one could customize its package, and build it with on top of whatever wine version one likes. The package release latency after a Wine release may diminish too.
A first step would be to have each maintainer putting in the wiki their howto build the Debian/Ubuntu/... package from scratch. I have in mind what has been done for the Mac OS X package [1].
A second step would be to move spec files, scripts and such to a cvs or git repository like what is in place for the winehq website and documentation.
Tell me what you think,