--- Maxime Bellengé maxime.bellenge@wanadoo.fr wrote:
For me returning HFILE_ERROR makes one of my application installer fails. If the function returns FALSE, it behaves normaly and exactly like on windows. The application installer works correctly.
Which version of window are you using and does the test pass? Dmitry has run the test on XP SP1 and it fails with:
file.c:1413: Test failed: hFile != FALSE : -1
-1 is HFILE_ERROR and FALSE is 0.
On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 15:20 +0100, Oliver Stieber wrote:
--- Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry@baikal.ru wrote:
"Oliver Stieber" oliver_stieber@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
This patch corrects the test for OpenFile with a style of OF_EXIST. The test should
fail if
function returns anything other than HFILE_ERROR as a failure. This is based on http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/fileio/fs/o...
debugging 'No One Lives Forever Demo' (ftp://ftp.lith.com/pub/nolf/NOLFDemo.zip)
Did you run the test on a real Windows machine or just have read MSDN?
I've haven't run it on a real Windows machine as my windows install is broken at the moment. Returning HFILE_ERROR is the only thing that fixes 'No One Lives Forever Demo' so I'm puzzled
to why the test is incorrect in the first place. (Also I haven't debugged the No One Lives
Demo to verify that it is doing a cmp eax, HFILE_ERROR, but I can do).
-- Dmitry.
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