Are you currently working on this? Is it a problem that needs to be fixed on the mingw side?
It's indeed a mingw issue and has to be fixed on that side.
I've never touched mingw so I'm relying on either Hans Leidekker, Stefan Leichter or Paul Millar to take this up.
The problem is that it is a mingw issue but they don't want any patches from wines win32 api in their mingw w32api. They believe that looking at the actual ms header files taints our headers legally speaking. Stefan, hans, and PaulM maintain a rather large set of patches against w32api. [1]
So its a constant catchup game from when wines headers get new additions until someone sends paulm a patch updating the mingw w32api.
I made a script [2] that will cross build winetest from git source no mingw patches needed. In theory this could be useful in keeping the cross built winetest.exe's rolling.
To use the script you need 3 dirs a wine-git, wine-native, and a wine-pe. Set those locations in the config part of the script as well as the build and host settings for your compiler and cross compiler. At the end winetest.exe will be in wine-pe/programs/winetest/ folder. This setup is from PaulMs recipe [3] with some tweaking.
Also if you trust me and just want the exe its at [4].
Hope this helps, John
P.S. I logged some test results from my win2k machine, it seems they are at [5]. Seems like I missed some setting though as the date is not right. Advice on how to fix that would be delicious =)
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]