Peter Rosin wrote:
Of the same vein, one liners like EnterCS This-> playing = StateStopped; LeaveCS are suspicious too. What does that guarantee?
Perhaps that another thread doing as below isn't fooled into calling both one() and three()?
Right. The next question is: What does that not guarantee (that you'd like to have)?
Alexandre asked:
Can you point to a real app that triggers the bug?
The children's use of the Mac has decreased since XMas because of a new laptop, however IIRC Sid Meyer's Pirates! was the most likely to dead-lock, more than Haegemonia: Legions of Iron (which crashes from time to time on its own). Heroes of Might & Magic V runs well. When an MS window app crashes rarely, you often don't know whether it's an app bug or not.
The typical audio dead-lock scenario goes as follows: The load average / performance meter window suddenly goes to >50% green. Hitting ^C in wine't terminal window yields 100% CPU usage, half red / half green. Often enough, another ^C is not enough to kill wine and the children would call me to issue killall -INT wineserver.
Better ask users what they think about winecoreaudio.
Regards, Jörg Höhle