On Mon, 9 Jul 2018, Hugh McMaster wrote:
Hi all,
Are there any summaries or presentations from Wineconf available for those of us who couldn't attend? (And even those who could...)
Here are my photos (sorted, deduplicated, stiched up and labeled; they got fast-tracked to the head of the photo sorting queue).
WineConf 2018 (~809 MB) http://fgouget.free.fr/tmp/201806-WineConf/
Photos of The Hague (~1.2 GB) http://fgouget.free.fr/tmp/201806-TheHague/
Photos of the Madurodam (~673 MB) http://fgouget.free.fr/tmp/201806-Madurodam/
To grab the originals the simplest is to just run:
wget --mirror URL
(wget will first get all the thumbnails and HTML files. But fret not, it's lots of transfers but only about 1% of the size. Just delete .pictalbum and index.html afterwards if you don't want to keep them)