On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Huang, Zhangrong hzhrong@gmail.com wrote:
Have you tried to set FontLink? It works for me, there are no places have font problem. (without automatic font substitution patch)
see: http://bugs.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=14546
[Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink] 1208451304 "Microsoft Sans Serif"=str(7):"simsun.ttc,SimSun\0gulim.ttc,Gulim\0msgothic.ttc,MS UI Gothic\0mingliu.ttc,PMingLiU\0" "Tahoma"=str(7):"simsun.ttc,SimSun\0gulim.ttc,Gulim\0msgothic.ttc,MS UI Gothic\0mingliu.ttc,PMingLiU\0"
Ensure your system have these fonts: simsun.ttc, gulim.ttc, msgothic.ttc and mingliu.ttc, or change the values with proper font name.
Yes, you're right. Even without Liu Qishau's patch, if I add those registry settings, the Asian characters show up correctly.