Erland Lewin a écrit :
I just got the latest wine from cvs, and it crashed when I tried to run Half Life. The problem turned out to be in mci.c, in the mciSendStringA function. The variable lpCmd is set to point into the (in my case mciavi) driver's command table, at the word "open". However, towards the end of the mciSendStringA function, there is the following code:
well spotted! I think a better fix would be to pass to MCI_HandleReturnValues the computed value of MCI_GetReturnType (we already use it a bit upper in mciSendString). this would be better (computing only once the return value). I'll submit a patch later on if you wish (since my winmm code is currently under great rewrite, and a few patches are already pending on Alexandre's queue), that should take a couple of days to be sorted out