On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 02:39:44PM +0200, Michael Riedel wrote:
Thank you all for your thoughts, it's a pleasure.
I guess, the license isn't bind to a physical dongle on the parallel port. So one can conclude that the software tries to read the MAC.
For sure, the (my) license is based on the MAC address (flexLM supports different license approaches as you mentioned).
NETBIOS.VXD. I propose you run with --debugmsg +relay,+snoop,+vxd and try to decipher what is going on before that failing VXD call. In the easiest
Done. Please find the messages in the attachement. I shrinked the 7 MB file to those lines around the error message. But because I'm a Windows's internal newbie it'll take me some hours to understand the messages. But anyhow I'll investigate the messages later but also any help is very welcome.
--> search.microsoft.com
Boy, am I glad that finally somebody is thinking about implementing certain VNETBIOS aspects...
I've been lobbying that for months now to several people, without any success so far. (I don't have any program requesting this, so I couldn't test it anyway)