Hi Paul:
Thanks for your ideas on reducing the command startup latency.
On 2010-06-18 10:48+0300 Paul Chitescu wrote:
Try to keep the wineserver initialized and running - for example keep a cmd.exe or notepad or something idle (in the same WINEPREFIX).
I tried that by running
wine cmd
in another xterm (but the same WINEPREFIX) and left it idle at the command prompt rather than exiting. That made no significant difference to the startup latency timing results. I then tried the experiment of turning the wineserver off (wineserver -k). I double-checked that nothing was running wineserver by using "ps auxww". I also made sure there were no other idle wine commands running. For that experiment, the startup latencies still remained the same! So either I am not running wineserver properly (I use wineserver -p) or it makes absolutely no difference to simple commands that essentially do very little such as the three "--version" ones I am using to test startup latency.
To get more accurate timings run the test twice so the 2nd time the files should be cached in memory.
If you are _sure_ you don't need a GUI you can unset DISPLAY (or run in a pure text console) so wine won't be able to create any windows. But the fact the X server matters suggests that some GUI components are used after all.
The cmake and MinGW gcc and make commands are all pure command line. So I tried setting
and that actually made a small but significant reduction (a drop from near ~150 ms to ~125 ms on average for the --version option for those three commands) in the startup latency. Therefore, I think the conclusion must be that command startup under wine initializes GUI components even when they are not needed. I will test this hypothesis further by disabling X altogether by configuring a stripped-down build of wine and doing further command startup latency tests with that stripped-down version of wine.
Also please verify how fast gcc is to start on Windows, it may not be a wine problem. On Windows it is typically more expensive to start processes so Windows programs are usually more complex, do more tasks (eventually multithreaded) and live longer than the average UNIX program.
That would be a most interesting comparison. In computer terms 150 ms is an absolutely enormous time that allows something like 150 million (!) operations to occur on modern PC's. So I would be surprised if Microsoft Windows required that long to start up applications. However, I would need help from others here to report command startup times under Microsoft Windows since I don't have access to that platform. The average of the times to run the commands "gcc --version", "cmake --version", and "mingw32-make --version" should be a pretty good measure of command startup time. Ideally, of course, these Wine versus Microsoft Windows startup time comparisons should be made on the same box, but we are looking for orders of magnitude here (The Linux startup times are two orders of magnitude lower) so I don't think this strict "same box" requirement is necessary so long as the boxes are roughly the same (mine is a garden-variety dual-core Intel 2.4 GHz).
Alan __________________________ Alan W. Irwin
Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).
Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net). __________________________
Linux-powered Science __________________________