Aric Stewart wrote:
If you know about specifically quartz issues I am happy to start looking at them.
I find the following very specific: Mciqtz is nothing but a pass-through to quartz' IVideoWindow_* IMediaSeeking_* IMediaControl_ and IGraphBuilder_QueryInterface. So using mciqtz is like using quartz directly. The nice thing is: every bug you find is a bug in Wine, since only Wine source is involved, without third-party app. That's why I find working with the MCI very rewarding.
The MCI shell is at http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20232#c10
Here are basic scenarios that do not work correctly now -- in the following, replace foo.xyz with your choice of .wav (embedding linear pcm, adpcm and esp. mp3), .avi (with whatever RLL/iccvid/msvidc1/etc. video format), use .avi with and without audio tracks, .mp3 or .mpg audio/video (if you feel like stressing winegstreamer) (even .wma if you feel like using codec outside Wine) You may even try .mid files, but perhaps that would use DirectMusic in native.
Open foo.xyz type mpegvideo alias q
Window q state show Status q time format # optional, yields "frames" with .avi Set q time format milliseconds # optional Status q length Set q time format frames # restore default for .avi Status q length Seek q to start Play q notify # or alternatively Play q from 0 notify Play q from 5 to 10 Play q from 0 repeat notify # repeat flag not yet implemented Status q position Status q mode # should yield "stopped" or "playing" Set q time format bytes # expect MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION == refused # presumably, quartz does not work with bytes (or would mciqtz intercept that?) Stop q Close q
IIRC, Wine's DirectSoundRenderer would not stop and regularly throw errors to the console.
I just noticed that "play X from 5 repeat" behaves differently between native mciavi32 and mciqtz (xp). Mciqtz repeats from 0 while mciavi repeats from 5. Also their window refresh modes are very different, mciqtz is mostly unresponsive while mciavi refreshes even when not playing. So it is not the case that MS made mciavi and mciqtz equal.
Actually, I don't know where the default time format originates from. A typical .avi yields "frames", using a .wav yields milliseconds. So it is not a constant for mciqtz.
So I think there's plenty of room for improvement in quartz, and you need not wade through obscure logs produced by binary-only apps. And once mciqtz/quartz behaviour becomes undistinguishable from native's as witnessed by the MCI shell with "type mpegvideo", many bugzilla quartz items will appear fixed automagically, I'm sure.
Thank you, Jörg Höhle