Am Donnerstag, 30. August 2007 22:26 schrieb Dan Kegel:
it'd be nice to have responses to questions like "The LGPL seems to give users the right to remove the LGPL'd portions of Cider from game A and use it with other apps. The gamers who are currently doing this are also copying proprietary parts of Cider, which isn't allowed. How will Transgaming prevent the copying of the proprietary parts of Cider without preventing the copying or modification of the LGPL portions?".
Well, just link everything to the game and ask the 'porter' to rebuild the LGPL'ed parts from source. I don't think the LGPL requires the binaries to be reusable, the source should be enough. Or ask people to use Wine for that business.
I can translate the articles if you want to, but so far google offers this: