On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 17:04:51 +0000 Gerard Patel gerard.patel@nerim.net wrote:
GP> The web site says that this executable is compressed with a tool called UPX. GP> This GP> seems to be the reason for the problem, as the original program is compiled with GP> Ms VC++ - not a very exotic tool.
You can unpack it with upx, even under Linux - http://upx.sourceforge.net/.
GP> I tried a hack for that and virtualdub got further; however, I see that it is GP> trying to load avicap32.dll and this is not going to work - even under Linux
I remember I was able to start Virtual Dub with wine (maybe a year ago), but don't remember if it worked. BTW, just yesterday TAKESHIMA Hidenori added stub for avicap32.
Regards, Nerijus