"Shachar Shemesh" wine-devel@sun.consumer.org.il wrote:
When running the winelib notepad in managed mode, after resizing the main window the scroll bar is not aligned with the right side of the windows as it is upon startup, but is located about one scroll bar's width to the left of the edge. This problem persists even if I change the code to explicitly call "GetClientRect", instead of using the parameters passed on WM_SIZE.
I suspect that something in our resize code does not calculate the client area properly, causing this problem. Is there anyone here who wishes to take a look?
Ok, it gets wierder.
When I take the exact same sources and compile them with Visual C, and then run the resulting PE binary under Wine, the problem goes away! Should I file a bug about this?
Looks like some kind of structure packing or structure layout difference between Windows and Wine. Please investigate it. First step would be to compile under Windows using Wine headers and see whether the bug persists.