Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
On December 31, 2003 11:18 am, Zimler Attila wrote:
Cool, here are a few comments on the patch:
- /* Modified by Attila ZIMLER hijaszu@hlfslinux.hu on 28th of dec 2003.
- New key adding is now supported.
- */
Please don't add such stuff in the headers, this goes automatically in the CVS log, where it belongs. Otherwise we risk cluttering up the files.
/* try to find out a name for the newly create key */
/* TODO: warning is issued because asprintf's implicit declaration,
I tried to declare it as
extern "C" ssize_t asprintf(char**, const char**, ...)
which is the format of this function, but it seems not helping.
Don't know why :(
asprintf(&keyName, "new key");
Please don't use GNU extensions like asprintf. We can with a local variable: TCHAR keyName[32];
lRet = RegOpenKey(hKey, keyName, &retKey);
while (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
asprintf(&keyName, "new key %u", ++keyNum);
lRet = RegOpenKey(hKey, keyName, &retKey);
I'd add a counter to the loop, and exit after, say, 100 tries.
if (CreateKey(hKey))
RefreshListView(g_pChildWnd->hListWnd, hKeyRoot, keyPath);
As I said, no need to refresh the ListView here. Maybe you should just create a dummy RefreshTreeView() function that just prints a warning for now.
ok, I will replace the code marked bad :) but I will send code only in next year ;)