2009/5/1 Cissyvonwinckelmann cissyvonwinckelmann@planet.nl:
hartelijk dank Benm ja ik moet snel een andere pc hebben, want dit is een hele ouwe dan krijg je de moeilijkheden, groetjes cissy
I have to use Google Language Tools to translate your text, so I apologise if I misunderstand you.
The "old problems" with Messenger (you actually didn't say which Messenger it is, Yahoo or MSN?) in Wine are not likely to go away without a lot of work. As this is the developers' mailing list, we would welcome patches/modifications to Wine to make it work better. Without a discussion on the development side, your questions are better directed to wine-users mailing list or the forum, or some other user-oriented support path.
Regardless, it is strongly recommended that you look into using a native client (i.e. something you don't need Wine to run) such as Pidgin.