Is there a formal process for reviewing an arguably incompetent bugzilla staffer?
To spare everyone time and to skip directly to an entertainment see bug 9147:
I agree with Whit. Most of your writing in that bug report would be in line with lack of sleep or prolonged fatigue, or some other factor that causes you to be compartmentalized in your own verions of things and completely ignore the real issue at hand.
[...] the captain had become so preoccupied with the dwindling airspeed that he failed to note that the autopilot, which relied on ailerons only, not the rudder, to maintain heading, was using the maximum left control- wheel deflection available to it to overcome the thrust asymmetry due to the hung outboard engine. When the right wing nevertheless began to drop, ... the captain didn't notice the bank on the attitude indicator ... . When he did notice it, he refused to believe what he saw. At this point, ... the upset had begun and the captain and first officer were both spatially disorientated.
You can almost substitute terms from the bugreport for the flying terms above...
"The captain was not only unable to assess the situation properly, he was confused by it; therefore, he was unable to take the necessary action to correct the situation."
"*The Safety Board can only conclude that the captain was distracted first by the evaluation of the engine malfunction and second by his attempts to arrest the decreasing airspeed, and that, because of these distractions, he was unable to assess properly and promptly the approaching loss of airplane control. The Safety Board also concludes that the captain over-relied on the autopilot and that this was also causal to the accident since the autopilot effectively masked the approaching onset of the loss of control of the airplane.*" (emphasis mine)
We can conclude that VM was distracted first by the mention of the ies4lin and second by attempts to attribute the problem to ies4lin, and that, because of these distractions, he was unable to assess properly the issue at hand. One also concludes that VM over-relied on the features of the development process automation (bugzilla) and this this was also causel to tine incident since data available from bugzilla effectively masked the real problem.
This is a classical pattern, so I'd be hard pressed to call Vitaliy "incompetent". Overdependence on bugzilla and some fatigue, that's what it is if you ask me.
Cheers, Kuba