Bryce McKinlay a écrit :
I'm trying to debug a windows .exe built with mingw using wine, but winedbg seems to have problems reading stabs from the mingw-built binary. My goal is to be able to debug a cross-compiled, native Java (GCJ) application, but even a simple C "hello world" seems to cause problems.
winedbg using the gdb won't work here because (likely on unix) gdb isn't compiled with proper 'stabs in PE' support
you can either: - use bare winedbg (without gdb support) - recompile gdb with 'stabs in PE' support (ie the settings used when compiling gdb under windows)
I tried your exe with latest cvs and it load just fine in winedbg (with and without gdb support)
I don't know what the unknown stabs type are for. They aren't defined in latest gdb (6.3), the only trace I found was for the MacOS/X but I doubt it concerns your case.