OK, did it. Sending two traces: A bad one, and a good one made by wine just before the above commit. With regards, Pavel Troller
trace:d3d:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_SetupFullscreenWindow Old style was 90000000,00000008, setting to 90080000,00000008 trace:ddraw:IDirectDrawImpl_FlipToGDISurface (0x19daf8)
This here seems strange. If you compare that to the good log you'll see that IWineD3DDeviceImpl_Init3D was left way to early. As there is no ERR about a possible reason for the abortion I think that somewhere an exception is thrown, caught by the game which terminates afterwards.
You can do the following: -> Run the game in winedbg and see if it catches the execption and gives a backtrace and crash position -> Add some extra traces(or ERRs) to Init3D and its subfunctions to catch the last line that is exectuted successfully.