I found this announcement from Bob Amstadt announcing the mailing list, this was dated September 16, 1993: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.windows.x.i386unix/browse_thread/thread/...
But according to this status report, it was started in early June 1993: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.windows.x.i386unix/browse_thread/thread/...
Which makes your June 1, 1993 date sound about right :-). Looking a bit further in that discussion, you can see Eric making a call for volunteers the next day: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux/msg/106b5f2702b1c53d
On Dec 19, 2007 12:26 AM, Dan Kegel dank@kegel.com wrote:
winehq.org doesn't seem to have a link to the message that launched the wine project, so I went looking.
The first message I found contemplating it was dated 1 Jun 1993, http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux/msg/0a7c3867abdb4a76 Is that about the right estimate for Wine's birthday?
A roughly 1995 writeup about Wine is at http://www.softlookup.com/tutorial/redhat/rhl58.asp It has a screen shot of a game Pipe Dream running under Wine. I just checked; the game is still online at http://members.chello.at/theodor.lauppert/games/pipe1.htm and runs well on today's wine :-)