What I pointed out last time is that you had xxx_count in some places and count_xxx in others. I asked you to consistently use names in the form of xxx_count.
Checking back over my emails it was henri who said that he wanted it in the form _count
- I prefer the order of things to be macros/constants, enums,
structs, interfaces, functions instead of having those interleaved through the header.
- "FLOAT" -> "float", "LPCWSTR" -> "const WCHAR *"
- "num_*" -> "*_count"
It's hard to keep track of what to do :(
On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Stefan Dösinger <stefandoesinger@gmail.com
Am 2015-02-13 um 13:33 schrieb Martell Malone:
Wait you want me to change from [in, out] UINT *_countmode, to [in, out] UINT *mode_count;
Isn't that what you asked me not todo last time ?
What I pointed out last time is that you had xxx_count in some places and count_xxx in others. I asked you to consistently use names in the form of xxx_count. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2
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