I've never done this, but thinking on a more fundamental level, USB isn't fully supported under Wine. So, I'm assuming your PDA relies on a USB connection. So, even if you got the application to run, chances are, you couldn't sync with your device. :S
I could be wrong, but this is my understanding of Wine & USB at the moment.
--- FyD fyd@u-picardie.fr wrote:
Dear All,
I have a Tungsten E PDA and use K-pilot/J-pilot to backup/restore/install .pdb/.prc files with my linux box. No problem for that. => However, I would like to install a .pdf viewer on my PDA and the files provided for this installation are not .pdb/.prc files but a Windows executable file (AdobeReader305-PalmOS.exe). To install this file, I need to install the whole Palm Desktop CD under windows. => Consequently, I thought to use Wine for that: I compiled Wine_20041201 on my linux box (RedHat 9.0), configured it with 'winesetuptk' and run 'wine /mnt/cdrom/autorun.exe' to install the whole Palm Desktop CD for window.
The installation seems to start ok & I get the following error message: [...] fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnRelease destroy child objects fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnRelease destroy child objects fixme:powermgnt:SetThreadExecutionState (0x80000000): stub, harmless. Please use the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts\LogPixels to set the screen resolution and remove the "Resolution" entry in the config file fixme:thread:NtSetInformationThread Set ThreadImpersonationToken handle to (nil) fixme:thread:NtSetInformationThread Set ThreadImpersonationToken handle to 0x4c Installation of D:\palm desktop\Palm Desktop.msi (SETUPEXEDIR=D:\palm desktop) failed. err:dc:DCE_FreeWindowDCE [0x20024] GetDC() without ReleaseDC()!
I tried to find info on the web about 'Palm OS Desktop installation & Wine' without success...
Is it possible to do install the 'Palm OS Desktop' CD with Wine and/or any idea for my problem ?
Thanks a lot, regards, Francois
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