On 8 June 2015 at 16:42, Josh DuBois duboisj@codeweavers.com wrote:
I'm wondering whether it would be useful to discuss 64-bit support in Wine at wineconf this year. I'm interested in feedback on whether it's a useful topic.
I have the impression that there's not that much to discuss. I.e., I think the people working on this are generally aware of the various issues. Of course I'm biased in that I think technical issues are usually much better discussed on the mailing list. Perhaps if you were to give a short overview of the current state and issues people would find that interesting.
On a related note, one thing I sometimes wonder about when WineConf comes up is what we're trying to achieve with the various talks/discussions/etc. It's probably unfair to say we're just trying to fill all the time slots (although that did in fact happen at least once), but I personally wouldn't blame anyone that came away with that impression either.