It doesn't seem to check the retval of the first alloc, which fails about half of the time in wine_anon_mmap (mmap() call) with ENOMEM. If the allocation succeeds, Steam proceeds to run. If it fails, Steam dies with the message above.
I just started Steam 5 times without a single failure. I can't reproduce the problem.
This is a machine with 1G memory. How much memory does one need to run Steam?
I have 512 MB, but I think 128 should be enought for Steam alone.
Isn't this supposed to be a Virtual allocation...Why does it work one time, and not the other... The manpage for mmap() says ENOMEM can occur if the process exceeds its allowed number of mappings. Is this relevant?
Maybe you should check your /etc/limits file. Your distro might have limited the amount of memory a user may allocate. If you don't mind security risks, you could try to run Steam as root, and see if the problem continues. But back up your MBR first ;)